Package org.inthewaves.kotlinsignald.clientprotocol.v1.structures


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data class AcceptInvitationRequest(account: String, groupID: String) : SignaldRequestBodyV1<JsonGroupV2Info>

Accept a v2 group invitation. Note that you must have a profile name set to join groups.

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data class Account(address: JsonAddress?, pending: Boolean?, pni: String?, deviceId: Int?, accountId: String?) : SignaldResponseBodyV1

A local account in signald

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data class AccountAlreadyVerifiedError(message: String?) : TypedExceptionV1
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data class AccountHasNoKeysError(message: String?) : TypedExceptionV1
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data class AccountList(accounts: List<Account>) : SignaldResponseBodyV1
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data class AccountLockedError(more: String?, message: String?) : TypedExceptionV1
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data class AddLinkedDeviceRequest(account: String, uri: String) : SignaldRequestBodyV1<EmptyResponse>

Link a new device to a local Signal account

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data class AddServerRequest(server: Server) : SignaldRequestBodyV1<String>

add a new server to connect to. Returns the new server's UUID.

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data class AllIdentityKeyList(identityKeys: List<IdentityKeyList>) : SignaldResponseBodyV1
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data class AnswerMessage(id: Long?, sdp: String?, opaque: String?)
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data class ApproveMembershipRequest(account: String, groupID: String, members: List<JsonAddress>) : SignaldRequestBodyV1<JsonGroupV2Info>

approve a request to join a group

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data class AttachmentTooLargeError(filename: String?, message: String?) : TypedExceptionV1
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data class AuthorizationFailedError(message: String?) : TypedExceptionV1

Indicates the server rejected our credentials or a failed group update. Typically means the linked device was removed by the primary device, or that the account was re-registered. For group updates, this can indicate that we lack permissions.

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data class BannedGroupMember(uuid: String?, timestamp: Long?)
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data class BanUserRequest(account: String, groupId: String, users: List<JsonAddress>) : SignaldRequestBodyV1<JsonGroupV2Info>

Bans users from a group. This works even if the users aren't in the group. If they are currently in the group, they will also be removed.

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data class BooleanMessage(value: Boolean?) : SignaldResponseBodyV1

A message containing a single boolean, usually as a response

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data class BusyMessage(id: Long?)
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data class CallMessage(offerMessage: OfferMessage?, answerMessage: AnswerMessage?, busyMessage: BusyMessage?, hangupMessage: HangupMessage?, iceUpdateMessage: List<IceUpdateMessage>, destinationDeviceId: Int?, multiRing: Boolean?)
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data class Capabilities(gv2: Boolean?, storage: Boolean?, stories: Boolean?, gv1Migration: Boolean?, senderKey: Boolean?, announcementGroup: Boolean?, changeNumber: Boolean?)
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data class CaptchaRequiredError(more: String?, message: String?) : TypedExceptionV1
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sealed class ClientMessageWrapper

Wraps all incoming messages sent to the client after a v1 subscribe request is issued

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data class CreateGroupRequest(account: String, title: String, avatar: String?, members: List<JsonAddress>, timer: Int?, memberRole: String?) : SignaldRequestBodyV1<JsonGroupV2Info>
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data class DecryptionErrorMessage(timestamp: Long?, deviceId: Int?, ratchetKey: String?)
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data class DeleteAccountRequest(account: String, server: Boolean?) : SignaldRequestBodyV1<EmptyResponse>

delete all account data signald has on disk, and optionally delete the account from the server as well. Note that this is not "unlink" and will delete the entire account, even from a linked device.

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data class DeviceInfo(id: Long?, name: String?, created: Long?, lastSeen: Long?)
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data class DuplicateMessageError(timestamp: Long?, message: String?) : TypedExceptionV1
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object EmptyResponse : SignaldResponseBodyV1

For requests that don't expect a response, representing {}.

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data class ExceptionWrapper(version: String?, data: ExceptionWrapper.Data, error: Boolean?, account: String?) : ClientMessageWrapper

An incoming message representing an error that can be sent by signald after a v1 subscribe request. This is not documented in the client protocol; however, as the signald socket can send it anyway, we add this here for type safety purposes.

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data class FingerprintVersionMismatchError(message: String?) : TypedExceptionV1
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data class FinishLinkRequest(overwrite: Boolean?, deviceName: String?, sessionId: String?) : SignaldRequestBodyV1<Account>

After a linking URI has been requested, finish_link must be called with the session_id provided with the URI. it will return information about the new account once the linking process is completed by the other device and the new account is setup. Note that the account setup process can sometimes take some time, if rapid userfeedback is required after scanning, use wait_for_scan first, then finish setup with finish_link.

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data class GenerateLinkingURIRequest(server: String?) : SignaldRequestBodyV1<LinkingURI>

Generate a linking URI. Typically this is QR encoded and scanned by the primary device. Submit the returned session_id with a finish_link request.

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data class GetAllIdentities(account: String) : SignaldRequestBodyV1<AllIdentityKeyList>

get all known identity keys

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data class GetGroupRequest(account: String, groupID: String, revision: Int?) : SignaldRequestBodyV1<JsonGroupV2Info>

Query the server for the latest state of a known group. If the account is not a member of the group, an UnknownGroupError is returned.

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data class GetGroupRevisionPagesRequest(account: String, groupId: String, fromRevision: Int, includeFirstRevision: Boolean?) : SignaldRequestBodyV1<GroupHistoryPage>

Query the server for group revision history. The history contains information about the changes between each revision and the user that made the change.

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data class GetIdentitiesRequest(account: String, address: JsonAddress) : SignaldRequestBodyV1<IdentityKeyList>

Get information about a known keys for a particular address

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data class GetLinkedDevicesRequest(account: String) : SignaldRequestBodyV1<LinkedDevices>

list all linked devices on a Signal account

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data class GetProfileRequest(account: String, async: Boolean?, address: JsonAddress) : SignaldRequestBodyV1<Profile>

Get all information available about a user

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class GetServersRequest : SignaldRequestBodyV1<ServerList>
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data class Gradient(colors: List<String>, angle: Int?, positions: List<Float>, startColor: String?, endColor: String?)
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data class GroupAccessControl(link: String?, attributes: String?, members: String?)

group access control settings. Options for each controlled action are: UNKNOWN, ANY, MEMBER, ADMINISTRATOR, UNSATISFIABLE and UNRECOGNIZED

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data class GroupChange(editor: JsonAddress?, revision: Int?, newMembers: List<GroupMember>, deleteMembers: List<JsonAddress>, modifyMemberRoles: List<GroupMember>, modifiedProfileKeys: List<GroupMember>, newPendingMembers: List<GroupPendingMember>, deletePendingMembers: List<JsonAddress>, promotePendingMembers: List<GroupMember>, newBannedMembers: List<BannedGroupMember>, newUnbannedMembers: List<BannedGroupMember>, newTitle: String?, newAvatar: Boolean?, newTimer: Int?, newAccessControl: GroupAccessControl?, newRequestingMembers: List<GroupRequestingMember>, deleteRequestingMembers: List<JsonAddress>, promoteRequestingMembers: List<GroupMember>, newInviteLinkPassword: Boolean?, newDescription: String?, newIsAnnouncementGroup: String?)

Represents a group change made by a user. This can also represent request link invites. Only the fields relevant to the group change performed will be set. Note that in signald, group changes are currently only received from incoming messages from a message subscription.

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data class GroupHistoryEntry(group: JsonGroupV2Info?, change: GroupChange?)
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data class GroupHistoryPage(results: List<GroupHistoryEntry>, pagingData: PagingData?) : SignaldResponseBodyV1

The result of fetching a group's history along with paging data.

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data class GroupInfo(v1: JsonGroupInfo?, v2: JsonGroupV2Info?) : SignaldResponseBodyV1

A generic type that is used when the group version is not known

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data class GroupLinkInfoRequest(account: String, uri: String) : SignaldRequestBodyV1<JsonGroupJoinInfo>

Get information about a group from a link

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data class GroupLinkNotActiveError(message: String?) : TypedExceptionV1
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data class GroupList(groups: List<JsonGroupV2Info>, legacyGroups: List<JsonGroupInfo>) : SignaldResponseBodyV1
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data class GroupMember(uuid: String?, role: String?, joinedRevision: Int?)
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data class GroupNotActiveError(message: String?) : TypedExceptionV1
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data class GroupPatchNotAcceptedError(message: String?) : TypedExceptionV1

Indicates the server rejected our group update. This can be due to errors such as trying to add a user that's already in the group.

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data class GroupPendingMember(uuid: String?, role: String?, timestamp: Long?, addedByUuid: String?)
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data class GroupRequestingMember(uuid: String?, timestamp: Long?)
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data class GroupVerificationError(message: String?) : TypedExceptionV1
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data class HangupMessage(id: Long?, type: String?, legacy: Boolean?, deviceId: Int?)
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data class IceUpdateMessage(id: Long?, opaque: String?, sdp: String?)
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data class IdentityKey(added: Long?, safetyNumber: String?, qrCodeData: String?, trustLevel: String?)
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data class IdentityKeyList(address: JsonAddress?, identities: List<IdentityKey>) : SignaldResponseBodyV1

a list of identity keys associated with a particular address

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data class IncomingException(version: String?, data: IncomingException.Data, error: Boolean?, account: String?) : ClientMessageWrapper

An incoming message representing an exception that can be sent by signald corresponding to one of the documented error types in the protocol.

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data class IncomingMessage(version: String?, data: IncomingMessage.Data, error: Boolean?, account: String?) : ClientMessageWrapper
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data class InternalError(exceptions: List<String>, message: String?) : TypedExceptionV1

an internal error in signald has occurred. typically these are things that "should never happen" such as issues saving to the local disk, but it is also the default error type and may catch some things that should have their own error type. If you find tht your code is depending on the exception list for any particular behavior, please file an issue so we can pull those errors out to a separate error type:

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data class InvalidAttachmentError(filename: String?, message: String?) : TypedExceptionV1
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data class InvalidBase64Error(message: String?) : TypedExceptionV1
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data class InvalidFingerprintError(message: String?) : TypedExceptionV1
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data class InvalidGroupError(message: String?) : TypedExceptionV1
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data class InvalidGroupStateError(message: String?) : TypedExceptionV1
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data class InvalidInviteURIError(message: String?) : TypedExceptionV1
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data class InvalidProxyError(message: String?) : TypedExceptionV1
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data class InvalidRecipientError(message: String?) : TypedExceptionV1
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data class InvalidRequestError(message: String?) : TypedExceptionV1
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data class IsIdentifierRegisteredRequest(account: String, identifier: String) : SignaldRequestBodyV1<BooleanMessage>

Determine whether an account identifier is registered on the Signal service.

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data class JoinGroupRequest(account: String, uri: String) : SignaldRequestBodyV1<JsonGroupJoinInfo>

Join a group using the a URL. Note that you must have a profile name set to join groups.

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data class JsonAddress(number: String?, uuid: String?, relay: String?) : SignaldResponseBodyV1
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data class JsonAttachment(contentType: String?, id: String?, size: Int?, storedFilename: String?, filename: String?, customFilename: String?, caption: String?, width: Int?, height: Int?, voiceNote: Boolean?, key: String?, digest: String?, blurhash: String?)

represents a file attached to a message. When sending, only filename is required.

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data class JsonBlockedListMessage(addresses: List<JsonAddress>, groupIds: List<String>)
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data class JsonDataMessage(timestamp: Long?, attachments: List<JsonAttachment>, body: String?, group: JsonGroupInfo?, groupV2: JsonGroupV2Info?, endSession: Boolean?, expiresInSeconds: Int?, profileKeyUpdate: Boolean?, quote: JsonQuote?, contacts: List<SharedContact>, previews: List<JsonPreview>, sticker: JsonSticker?, viewOnce: Boolean?, reaction: JsonReaction?, remoteDelete: RemoteDelete?, mentions: List<JsonMention>, payment: Payment?, isExpirationUpdate: Boolean?, groupCallUpdate: String?, storyContext: StoryContext?)
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data class JsonGroupInfo(groupId: String?, members: List<JsonAddress>, name: String?, type: String?, avatarId: Long?)

information about a legacy group

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data class JsonGroupJoinInfo(groupID: String?, title: String?, description: String?, memberCount: Int?, addFromInviteLink: Int?, revision: Int?, pendingAdminApproval: Boolean?) : SignaldResponseBodyV1
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data class JsonGroupV2Info(id: String?, revision: Int?, title: String?, description: String?, avatar: String?, timer: Int?, members: List<JsonAddress>, pendingMembers: List<JsonAddress>, requestingMembers: List<JsonAddress>, inviteLink: String?, accessControl: GroupAccessControl?, memberDetail: List<GroupMember>, pendingMemberDetail: List<GroupMember>, announcements: String?, removed: Boolean?, bannedMembers: List<BannedGroupMember>, groupChange: GroupChange?) : SignaldResponseBodyV1

Information about a Signal group

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data class JsonMention(uuid: String?, start: Int?, length: Int?)
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data class JsonMessageRequestResponseMessage(person: JsonAddress?, groupId: String?, type: String?)

Responses to message requests from unknown users or groups

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data class JsonPreview(url: String?, title: String?, description: String?, date: Long?, attachment: JsonAttachment?)

metadata about one of the links in a message

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data class JsonQuote(id: Long?, author: JsonAddress?, text: String?, attachments: List<JsonQuotedAttachment>, mentions: List<JsonMention>)

A quote is a reply to a previous message. ID is the sent time of the message being replied to

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data class JsonReaction(emoji: String?, remove: Boolean?, targetAuthor: JsonAddress?, targetSentTimestamp: Long?)
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data class JsonReadMessage(sender: JsonAddress?, timestamp: Long?)
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data class JsonSendMessageResult(address: JsonAddress?, success: SendSuccess?, networkFailure: Boolean?, unregisteredFailure: Boolean?, identityFailure: String?, proofRequiredFailure: ProofRequiredError?) : SignaldResponseBodyV1
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data class JsonSentTranscriptMessage(destination: JsonAddress?, timestamp: Long?, expirationStartTimestamp: Long?, message: JsonDataMessage?, story: StoryMessage?, unidentifiedStatus: Map<String, Boolean>?, isRecipientUpdate: Boolean?)
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data class JsonSyncMessage(sent: JsonSentTranscriptMessage?, contacts: JsonAttachment?, contactsComplete: Boolean?, groups: JsonAttachment?, blockedList: JsonBlockedListMessage?, request: String?, readMessages: List<JsonReadMessage>, viewOnceOpen: JsonViewOnceOpenMessage?, verified: JsonVerifiedMessage?, configuration: ConfigurationMessage?, stickerPackOperations: List<JsonStickerPackOperationMessage>, fetchType: String?, messageRequestResponse: JsonMessageRequestResponseMessage?)
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data class JsonVerifiedMessage(destination: JsonAddress?, identityKey: String?, verified: String?, timestamp: Long?)
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data class JsonVersionMessage(name: String?, version: String?, branch: String?, commit: String?) : SignaldResponseBodyV1
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data class JsonViewOnceOpenMessage(sender: JsonAddress?, timestamp: Long?)
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data class LeaveGroupRequest(account: String, groupID: String) : SignaldRequestBodyV1<GroupInfo>
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data class LinkedDevices(devices: List<DeviceInfo>) : SignaldResponseBodyV1
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data class LinkingURI(uri: String?, sessionId: String?) : SignaldResponseBodyV1
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class ListAccountsRequest : SignaldRequestBodyV1<AccountList>

return all local accounts

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data class ListContactsRequest(account: String, async: Boolean?) : SignaldRequestBodyV1<ProfileList>
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data class ListenerState(version: String?, data: ListenerState.Data, error: Boolean?, account: String?) : ClientMessageWrapper

prior attempt to indicate signald connectivity state. WebSocketConnectionState messages will be delivered at the same time as well as in other parts of the websocket lifecycle.

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data class ListGroupsRequest(account: String) : SignaldRequestBodyV1<GroupList>
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data class MarkReadRequest(account: String, to: JsonAddress, timestamps: List<Long>, when: Long?) : SignaldRequestBodyV1<EmptyResponse>
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data class NetworkError(message: String?) : TypedExceptionV1
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data class NoKnownUUIDError(message: String?) : TypedExceptionV1
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data class NoSendPermissionError(message: String?) : TypedExceptionV1
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data class NoSuchAccountError(account: String?, message: String?) : TypedExceptionV1
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data class NoSuchSessionError(message: String?) : TypedExceptionV1
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data class OfferMessage(id: Long?, sdp: String?, type: String?, opaque: String?)
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data class OwnProfileKeyDoesNotExistError(message: String?) : TypedExceptionV1
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data class PagingData(hasMorePages: Boolean?, nextPageRevision: Int?)
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data class Payment(receipt: String?, note: String?)

details about a MobileCoin payment

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data class Profile(name: String?, avatar: String?, address: JsonAddress?, capabilities: Capabilities?, color: String?, about: String?, emoji: String?, contactName: String?, profileName: String?, inboxPosition: Int?, expirationTime: Int?, mobilecoinAddress: String?, visibleBadgeIds: List<String>) : SignaldResponseBodyV1

Information about a Signal user

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data class ProfileList(profiles: List<Profile>) : SignaldResponseBodyV1
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data class ProfileUnavailableError(message: String?) : TypedExceptionV1
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data class ProofRequiredError(token: String?, options: List<String>, message: String?, retryAfter: Long?) : TypedExceptionV1
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data class ProtocolInvalidKeyIdError(sender: String?, timestamp: Long?, message: String?, senderDevice: Int?, contentHint: Int?, groupId: String?) : TypedExceptionV1
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data class ProtocolInvalidMessageError(sender: String?, timestamp: Long?, message: String?, senderDevice: Int?, contentHint: Int?, groupId: String?) : TypedExceptionV1
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data class ProtocolNoSessionError(sender: String?, timestamp: Long?, message: String?, senderDevice: Int?, contentHint: Int?, groupId: String?) : TypedExceptionV1
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data class RateLimitError(message: String?) : TypedExceptionV1
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data class ReactRequest(username: String, recipientAddress: JsonAddress?, recipientGroupId: String?, reaction: JsonReaction, timestamp: Long?, members: List<JsonAddress>?) : SignaldRequestBodyV1<SendResponse>

react to a previous message

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data class ReceiptMessage(type: String?, timestamps: List<Long>, when: Long?)
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data class RefuseMembershipRequest(account: String, members: List<JsonAddress>, groupId: String, alsoBan: Boolean?) : SignaldRequestBodyV1<JsonGroupV2Info>

deny a request to join a group

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data class RegisterRequest(account: String, voice: Boolean?, captcha: String?, server: String?) : SignaldRequestBodyV1<Account>

begin the account registration process by requesting a phone number verification code. when the code is received, submit it with a verify request

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data class RemoteConfig(name: String?, value: String?)

A remote config (feature flag) entry.

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data class RemoteConfigList(config: List<RemoteConfig>) : SignaldResponseBodyV1
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data class RemoteConfigRequest(account: String) : SignaldRequestBodyV1<RemoteConfigList>

Retrieves the remote config (feature flags) from the server.

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data class RemoteDelete(targetSentTimestamp: Long?)
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data class RemoteDeleteRequest(account: String, address: JsonAddress?, group: String?, timestamp: Long, members: List<JsonAddress>?) : SignaldRequestBodyV1<SendResponse>

delete a message previously sent

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data class RemoveLinkedDeviceRequest(account: String, deviceId: Long) : SignaldRequestBodyV1<EmptyResponse>

Remove a linked device from the Signal account. Only allowed when the local device id is 1

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data class RemoveServerRequest(uuid: String?) : SignaldRequestBodyV1<EmptyResponse>
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data class RequestSyncRequest(groups: Boolean?, configuration: Boolean?, contacts: Boolean?, blocked: Boolean?, keys: Boolean?, account: String) : SignaldRequestBodyV1<EmptyResponse>

Request other devices on the account send us their group list, syncable config and contact list.

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data class ResetSessionRequest(account: String, address: JsonAddress, timestamp: Long?) : SignaldRequestBodyV1<SendResponse>

reset a session with a particular user

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data class ResolveAddressRequest(account: String, partial: JsonAddress) : SignaldRequestBodyV1<JsonAddress>

Resolve a partial JsonAddress with only a number or UUID to one with both. Anywhere that signald accepts a JsonAddress will except a partial, this is a convenience function for client authors, mostly because signald doesn't resolve all the partials it returns.

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data class ScanTimeoutError(message: String?) : TypedExceptionV1
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data class SendPaymentRequest(account: String, address: JsonAddress, payment: Payment, when: Long?) : SignaldRequestBodyV1<SendResponse>

send a mobilecoin payment

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data class SendRequest(username: String?, account: String?, recipientAddress: JsonAddress?, recipientGroupId: String?, messageBody: String?, attachments: List<JsonAttachment>?, quote: JsonQuote?, timestamp: Long?, mentions: List<JsonMention>?, previews: List<JsonPreview>?, members: List<JsonAddress>?, isForStory: Boolean?) : SignaldRequestBodyV1<SendResponse>
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data class SendResponse(results: List<JsonSendMessageResult>, timestamp: Long?) : SignaldResponseBodyV1
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data class SendSuccess(unidentified: Boolean?, needsSync: Boolean?, duration: Long?, devices: List<Int>)
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data class SendSyncMessageRequest(account: String, viewOnceOpenMessage: JsonViewOnceOpenMessage?, messageRequestResponse: JsonMessageRequestResponseMessage?) : SignaldRequestBodyV1<JsonSendMessageResult>

Sends a sync message to the account's devices

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data class Server(uuid: String?, proxy: String?, ca: String?, serviceUrl: String?, cdnUrls: List<ServerCDN>, contactDiscoveryUrl: String?, keyBackupUrl: String?, storageUrl: String?, zkParam: String?, unidentifiedSenderRoot: String?, keyBackupServiceName: String?, keyBackupServiceId: String?, keyBackupMrenclave: String?, cdsMrenclave: String?, iasCa: String?)

a Signal server

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data class ServerCDN(number: Int?, url: String?)
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data class ServerList(servers: List<Server>) : SignaldResponseBodyV1
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data class ServerNotFoundError(uuid: String?, message: String?) : TypedExceptionV1
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data class SetDeviceNameRequest(account: String, deviceName: String?) : SignaldRequestBodyV1<EmptyResponse>

set this device's name. This will show up on the mobile device on the same account under settings -> linked devices

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data class SetExpirationRequest(account: String, address: JsonAddress?, group: String?, expiration: Int) : SignaldRequestBodyV1<SendResponse>

Set the message expiration timer for a thread. Expiration must be specified in seconds, set to 0 to disable timer

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data class SetProfile(account: String, name: String?, avatarFile: String?, about: String?, emoji: String?, mobilecoinAddress: String?, visibleBadgeIds: List<String>?) : SignaldRequestBodyV1<EmptyResponse>
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data class SharedContact(name: SharedContactName?, email: List<SharedContactEmail>, phone: List<SharedContactPhone>, address: List<SharedContactAddress>, avatar: SharedContactAvatar?, organization: String?)
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data class SharedContactAddress(type: String?, label: String?, street: String?, pobox: String?, neighborhood: String?, city: String?, region: String?, postcode: String?, country: String?)
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data class SharedContactAvatar(attachment: JsonAttachment?, isProfile: Boolean?)
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data class SharedContactEmail(type: String?, value: String?, label: String?)
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data class SharedContactName(display: String?, given: String?, middle: String?, family: String?, prefix: String?, suffix: String?)
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data class SharedContactPhone(type: String?, value: String?, label: String?)
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sealed class SignaldRequestBodyV1<ResponseData>

A base class for requests. This class is only used for serializing requests to the signald socket; the type of the responseWrapperSerializer property represents the response JSON structure.

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sealed class SignaldResponseBodyV1
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data class SignalServerError(message: String?) : TypedExceptionV1

indicates signald received an http 500 status code from the server

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data class SQLError(message: String?) : TypedExceptionV1
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data class StorageChange(version: String?, data: StorageChange.Data, error: Boolean?, account: String?) : ClientMessageWrapper

Broadcast to subscribed clients when there is a state change from the storage service

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data class StoryContext(author: String?, sentTimestamp: Long?)
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data class StoryMessage(group: JsonGroupV2Info?, file: JsonAttachment?, text: TextAttachment?, allowReplies: Boolean?)
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data class SubmitChallengeRequest(account: String, challenge: String, captchaToken: String?) : SignaldRequestBodyV1<EmptyResponse>
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data class SubscribeRequest(account: String) : SignaldRequestBodyV1<SubscriptionResponse>

receive incoming messages. After making a subscribe request, incoming messages will be sent to the client encoded as ClientMessageWrapper. Send an unsubscribe request or disconnect from the socket to stop receiving messages.

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data class SubscriptionResponse(messages: List<ClientMessageWrapper>) : SignaldResponseBodyV1

Responses from the subscribe / unsubscribe endpoint. The protocol describes these as empty responses, but race conditions can occur. This response can contain messages sent before the (un)subscribe acknowledgement message from signald.

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data class TextAttachment(text: String?, style: String?, preview: JsonPreview?, textForegroundColor: String?, textBackgroundColor: String?, backgroundGradient: Gradient?, backgroundColor: String?)
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data class TrustRequest(account: String, address: JsonAddress, safetyNumber: String?, qrCodeData: String?, trustLevel: String?) : SignaldRequestBodyV1<EmptyResponse>

Trust another user's safety number using either the QR code data or the safety number text

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sealed class TypedExceptionV1 : SignaldException
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data class TypingMessage(action: String?, timestamp: Long?, groupId: String?)
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data class TypingRequest(account: String, address: JsonAddress?, group: String?, typing: Boolean, when: Long?) : SignaldRequestBodyV1<EmptyResponse>

send a typing started or stopped message

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data class UnbanUserRequest(account: String, groupId: String, users: List<JsonAddress>) : SignaldRequestBodyV1<JsonGroupV2Info>

Unbans users from a group.

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data class UnknownGroupError(message: String?) : TypedExceptionV1
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data class UnknownIdentityKeyError(message: String?) : TypedExceptionV1
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data class UnregisteredUserError(message: String?, e164Number: String?) : TypedExceptionV1
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data class UnsubscribeRequest(account: String) : SignaldRequestBodyV1<SubscriptionResponse>

See subscribe for more info

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data class UnsupportedGroupError(message: String?) : TypedExceptionV1

returned in response to use v1 groups, which are no longer supported

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data class UntrustedIdentityError(identifier: String?, message: String?, identityKey: IdentityKey?) : TypedExceptionV1
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data class UpdateContactRequest(account: String, address: JsonAddress, name: String?, color: String?, inboxPosition: Int?) : SignaldRequestBodyV1<Profile>

update information about a local contact

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data class UpdateGroupRequest(account: String, groupID: String, title: String?, description: String?, avatar: String?, updateTimer: Int?, addMembers: List<JsonAddress>?, removeMembers: List<JsonAddress>?, updateRole: GroupMember?, updateAccessControl: GroupAccessControl?, resetLink: Boolean?, announcements: String?) : SignaldRequestBodyV1<GroupInfo>

modify a group. Note that only one modification action may be performed at once

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data class UserAlreadyExistsError(uuid: String?, message: String?) : TypedExceptionV1
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data class VerifyRequest(account: String, code: String) : SignaldRequestBodyV1<Account>

verify an account's phone number with a code after registering, completing the account creation process

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class VersionRequest : SignaldRequestBodyV1<JsonVersionMessage>
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data class WaitForScanRequest(sessionId: String?) : SignaldRequestBodyV1<EmptyResponse>

An optional part of the linking process. Intended to be called after displaying the QR code, will return quickly after the user scans the QR code. finish_link must be called after wait_for_scan returns a non-error

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data class WebSocketConnectionState(version: String?, data: WebSocketConnectionState.Data, error: Boolean?, account: String?) : ClientMessageWrapper

indicates when the websocket connection state to the signal server has changed