
data class JsonGroupJoinInfo(groupID: String?, title: String?, description: String?, memberCount: Int?, addFromInviteLink: Int?, revision: Int?, pendingAdminApproval: Boolean?) : SignaldResponseBodyV1


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val addFromInviteLink: Int? = null

The access level required in order to join the group from the invite link, as an AccessControl.AccessRequired enum from the upstream Signal groups.proto file. This is UNSATISFIABLE (4) when the group link is disabled; ADMINISTRATOR (3) when the group link is enabled, but an administrator must approve new members; and ANY (1) when the group link is enabled and no approval is required. See theGroupAccessControl structure and the upstream enum ordinals.

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val description: String? = null

Example: "A club for running in Parkdale"

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val groupID: String? = null

Example: "EdSqI90cS0UomDpgUXOlCoObWvQOXlH5G3Z2d3f4ayE="

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val memberCount: Int? = null

Example: 3

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val pendingAdminApproval: Boolean? = null

Whether the account is waiting for admin approval in order to be added to the group.

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val revision: Int? = null

The Group V2 revision. This is incremented by clients whenever they update group information, and it is often used by clients to determine if the local group state is out-of-date with the server's revision.

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val title: String? = null

Example: "Parkdale Run Club"