
data class Account(address: JsonAddress?, pending: Boolean?, pni: String?, deviceId: Int?, accountId: String?) : SignaldResponseBodyV1

A local account in signald


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fun Account(address: JsonAddress? = null, pending: Boolean? = null, pni: String? = null, deviceId: Int? = null, accountId: String? = null)


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val accountId: String? = null

The primary identifier on the account, included with all requests to signald for this account. Previously called 'username'

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val address: JsonAddress? = null

The address of this account

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val deviceId: Int? = null

The Signal device ID. Official Signal mobile clients (iPhone and Android) have device ID = 1, while linked devices such as Signal Desktop or Signal iPad have higher device IDs.

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val pending: Boolean? = null

indicates the account has not completed registration

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val pni: String? = null