Package org.inthewaves.kotlinsignald.clientprotocol


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expect interface AutoCloseable
actual typealias AutoCloseable = AutoCloseable
actual interface AutoCloseable
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open class RequestFailedException(responseJsonString: String?, errorBody: JsonObject?, errorType: String?, exception: String?, extraMessage: String?, cause: Throwable?) : SignaldException

An exception that is thrown if the resulting JSON can't be deserialized or the socket returns an error response.

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expect open class SignaldException : Exception
actual typealias SignaldException = IOException
actual open class SignaldException : Exception
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interface SocketCommunicator : AutoCloseable

An interface to facilitate communication with signald socket. The implementation might close socket connections after making a request, in which case, the readLine function will not be supported.

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interface SuspendSocketCommunicator : AutoCloseable

An interface to facilitate communication with signald socket. The implementation might close socket connections after making a request, in which case, the readLineSuspend function will not be supported.


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val SignaldJson: Json

The Json instance used to serialize and deserialize signald requests and responses. We set it to ignore unknown keys for forward compatibility reasons.