
open class RequestFailedException(responseJsonString: String?, errorBody: JsonObject?, errorType: String?, exception: String?, extraMessage: String?, cause: Throwable?) : SignaldException

An exception that is thrown if the resulting JSON can't be deserialized or the socket returns an error response.


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fun RequestFailedException(responseJsonString: String? = null, errorBody: JsonObject? = null, errorType: String? = null, exception: String? = null, extraMessage: String? = null, cause: Throwable? = null)


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object Companion


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open val cause: Throwable?
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val errorBody: JsonObject? = null
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val errorType: String? = null
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val exception: String? = null
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val isRateLimitException: Boolean
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open val message: String?
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val responseJsonString: String? = null

The raw JSON string from the socket that caused the error.