
expect class Subscription : IncomingMessageSubscription
actual class Subscription : IncomingMessageSubscription
actual class Subscription : IncomingMessageSubscription

Contains information about an active incoming message subscription with signald.


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expect open override fun close()
actual open override fun close()
actual open override fun close()
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abstract fun nextMessage(): ClientMessageWrapper?
open override fun nextMessage(): ClientMessageWrapper?
open override fun nextMessage(): ClientMessageWrapper?

Parses an incoming message from the socket. If this returns null, then the socket is closed / reached EOF. This will block the current thread if it has to wait for messages.

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abstract suspend fun nextMessageSuspend(): ClientMessageWrapper?
open suspend override fun nextMessageSuspend(): ClientMessageWrapper?

Parses an incoming message from the socket. If this returns null, then the socket is closed / reached EOF. This will suspend if it has to wait for messages.

open suspend override fun nextMessageSuspend(): ClientMessageWrapper?
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suspend fun unsubscribe(): SubscriptionResponse
fun unsubscribe(): SubscriptionResponse


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expect val accountId: String
actual val accountId: String
actual val accountId: String
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abstract val initialMessagesCount: Int

The number of messages sent while we were waiting for signald's response to the subscribe request. This is currently used for detecting such a situation.

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open override val initialMessagesCount: Int

The number of messages sent while we were waiting for signald's response to the subscribe.

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open override val initialMessagesCount: Int

The number of messages sent while we were waiting for signald's response to the subscribe.